Instituciones invirtiendo en Agtech en Latinoamérica

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DescargarLa revolución tecnológica ha llegado a todas las industrias, y el sector agroalimentario no es la excepción. La agricultura y la tecnología se han unido en un campo fértil conocido como Agtech, una tendencia que está transformando la forma en que se producen los alimentos y se abordan los desafíos relacionados con la agricultura y la seguridad alimentaria. En América Latina, esta innovadora convergencia está atrayendo la atención de una creciente comunidad de inversionistas comprometidos con impulsar el desarrollo sostenible y generar un impacto social positivo.
Desde fondos de inversión hasta aceleradoras, una variedad de actores en el ecosistema de inversiones están centrando su atención en el sector Agtech latinoamericano. Estos inversionistas reconocen el potencial de las soluciones tecnológicas para abordar los desafíos urgentes que enfrenta la región, como la pobreza, la desigualdad, el cambio climático y la seguridad alimentaria.
Inversionistas invirtiendo en agtech
- ALIVE Ventures. Acumen Latam Impact Ventures – ALIVE – seeks to transform lives for low-income communities in Latin America (with a focus on Colombia and Peru) by investing in socially impactful companies that have profitable business models and require capital to grow. Over the course of each investment, ALIVE works closely with its investees to help scale their innovative solutions, tackling some of the most pressing challenges faced by the region's most vulnerable.
- Angel Ventures. Angel Ventures: Founded in 2008, AV is one of the most active and influential Mexican VC firms in Latin America. The Firm invests in early-stage to early-growth companies by becoming a leading Series Seed and Series A investor in startups that drive innovative business models tailored for the Latin American market.
- Arpegio. Arpegio invests in early stage technology companies active in Latin America's food and agriculture industry.
- Carabela. Carabela es un fondo semilla que invierte en emprendedores que lideran startups de LatAm en etapa temprana.
- Maiz Ventures. Maiz Venture is a venture capital firm on a mission to shift LATAM climate change and health outcomes by investing in early stage, purpose driven Latin American startups.
- CO_Capital. CO_Capital is a Latin American impact-first fund. We scale organizations that focus on reducing poverty, promoting gender equality or mitigating climate change – by investing across four themes: i) education and economic development; ii) access to health; iii) access to basic infrastructure; and iv) the nexus between agriculture and ecosystems.
- Diproinduca. Diproinduca is an international corporate group with 40 years track-record in the transformation, processing and trading of materials and iron by-products, and in environmental services. We are diversifying our business toward circular economy, agro-tech, recycle of by-products and sustainable energy solutions. We are looking for investment opportunities in pre-seed start-ups in these fields.
- FINCA Ventures. FINCA Ventures is an early stage impact investor that invests in mainly Seed to Series A businesses in the agriculture, fintech and health sectors. We invest between $100K to $500K through convertible note, SAFE, or equity structures.
- FrissOn capital. FRISSON capital is a venture capital firm that invests in frontier tech [pre-seed-stage] startups. We take an active, hands-on approach that leverages our entrepreneurial and stage expertise. At FRISSON, we partner with entrepreneurs to increase their chance of success by applying our extensive operational knowledge and providing market access through our global network. Our support platform and operating partners attract the best founders to partner with us.
- IDB Lab. IDB Lab is the Venture Arm of the Inter-American Development Bank, the largest multilateral bank in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Impacta VC. Impacta VC invests in impact startups in Latin America. Impacta VC launched a U$10MM Seed Fund in the US to fund tech companies aligned with the SDGs across LATAM that leverage the partner’s network of top regional founders and VCs to achieve future financing rounds in the impact space.
- Kamay Ventures. Kamay Ventures is the first open corporate capital fund independently managed by Overboost, a recognized accelerator and specialist in the creation of companies with disruptive ideas, which will invest over the next three years in around 10 startups per year and between $ 100,000 to $ 300,000 per draft.
- Kapor Capital. Kapor Capital is a social impact venture capital firm. We believe in the power of transformative ideas and diverse teams. We are an Oakland-based fund that understands that startup companies have the ability to transform entire industries and to address urgent social needs as they do so. We believe that startups can leverage information technology to solve real world problems and tangibly improve the lives of millions through innovations in the fields of education, finance, health, work, justice and more.
- Legacy Group. The Legacy Group is an alternative asset manager that targets profitable investment opportunities with high social and environmental impact in Latin America. We generate value by leveraging our team’s local knowledge and international expertise to provide a direct link between our investments in developing markets and the rest of the world. We give our investors the chance to invest directly in projects that not only produce favorable returns, but also have a positive social and environmental impact on all relevant stakeholders.
- MrPink Venture Capital. MrPink es un VC que invierte en etapa Seed en startups de base tecnológica fundadas en Colombia, Argentina, Perú, Uruguay y Chile. Los emprendedores son el centro de nuestro mundo, quienes lideran las startups y agregan valor. Nosotros como emprendedores e inversionistas, colaboramos con nuestra experiencia y nos ponemos a disposición del equipo fundador para aumentar las posibilidades de éxito. Nuestro estilo amigable hacia los emprendedores hace que trabajemos de forma rápida, transparente y directa. Es un privilegio trabajar con y para emprendedores y sumar valor a la región.
- Pampa Start VC. Pampa Start VC. We are a VC born in Río Cuarto, Córdoba, the productive zone of soybean and corn par excellence in Argentina. Our General Partners going through different educations, experiences and converge in this venture capital company with the objective of being part of the solution to global challenges: feeding the world population. Generate transparency in production processes and impact with sustainability. Our offices are located in Río Cuarto and Córdoba Capital, our focus is AGRIFOODTECH, we have our first fund 85% invested and we started fundraising our second fund.
- Sancor Seguros Ventures. Sancor Seguros Ventures es un fondo de venture capital corporativo que invierte y potencia startups tecnológicas disruptivas de alcance global que estén buscando escalabilidad y expansión de sus negocios y/o que puedan generar un impacto en los negocios o en la cadena de valor del Grupo Sancor Seguros, líder en el mercado asegurador argentino en los sectores Insurtech, Fintech y Healthtech que hagan uso intensivo de tecnologías de alto impacto para la sociedad, como Big data, IoT, Blockchain, Inteligencia Artificial, Robótica, entre otras.
- Savia Ventures. Savia Ventures. Empowering Latin America´s Climate-Tech Entrepreneurs.
- Sudlich. Südlich Capital nace para apoyar y financiar empresas de Chile y Latinoamérica que tengan un gran impacto en la zona sur austral de Chile. Exploradores I es su primer fondo de Venture Capital de Impacto. En Südlich Capital estamos convencidos de que la empresa tiene que ser una fuerza para el bien, y queremos movilizar capital y conocimientos para apoyar a fundadores que comparten esta visión.
- The Yield Lab. The Yield Lab Latam es un fondo de inversión focalizado en startups de alto impacto en AgriFoodTech focalizado en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
- VX Ventures. VX Ventures is the corporate venture capital division of Vista O&G, a Latam E&P player. We invest in startups and early-stage companies providing relevant solutions at the Energy and Natural Resource Transition towards decarbonization. Please find our presentation deck attached with complementary information on who we are and our investment approach. We look for companies that accelerate achievements of operational efficiencies, reduce carbon footprint, and / or offset carbon emissions in LatAm leveraging our regional footprint.
- Winnipeg Startup Fund. Winnipeg Startup Fund. Creemos en que Latinoamérica ofrece una plataforma poderosa para desarrollar soluciones escalables a problemas fundamentales que afectan a la base de la pirámide. Es por esto que invertimos y ayudamos a los mejores emprendedores latinoamericanos de diversas industrias, incluidas EdTech, AgTech, SaaS y IA.
- Yes Ventures. YES Ventures is an impact venture capital firm that invest in impact founders aligned with the SDGs accross Latam.
Aceleradoras apoyando startups agtech
- Agcenter. Somos el hub de innovación agrifoodtech, buscamos dinamizar el ecosistema en Colombia, incentivar la articulación del ecosistema a través de conexiones entre los actores, fomentar el desarrollo de soluciones globales del sector, atraer talento, inversión y acelerar el emprendimiento agroalimentario alineado a las tendencias globales y ODS.
- Aster. Aster es la primera aceleradora de startups del norte de Chile. Nacimos con el propósito de fortalecer e impulsar Antofagasta como hub tecnológico apoyando emprendimientos que estén trabajando soluciones en minería, energías renovables, procesos hídricos, logística, turismo y astronomía. Nuestro programa de aceleración, es un programa online, de 4 meses de duración que incluye financiamiento de hasta USD 32.500.
- Bimbo Ventures. En Grupo Bimbo estamos constantemente en la búsqueda de proyectos que apoyen la mejora continua, a través de la innovación, logrando ser cada vez más productivos y siempre bajo un enfoque ético.
- Glocal. Glocal is focus on agrifoodtech startups seed, pre serie A and serie A.
- IMPAQTO Capital. IMPAQTO Capital offers flexible capital to early-stage impact startups in the Andean Region, investing in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia with a focus on education, health, agroindustry and food supply chains, and clean tech.
- Gridx. GRIDX a science-based company builder creating and investing in startups from LATAM to the world. In the last 4 years we invested and created more than 30 biotech startups such a Beeflow, Stamm, Caspr, Microgenesis, Michroma and more!
- The Ganesha Lab. The Ganesha Lab is a Global Biotech Scale up for science and technology-based startups in Latam. We aim to inspire a better understanding of culture and responsiveness of evolving humans, connecting the world of science, biotech, entrepreneurs and people.
- Village Capital. Village Capital ayuda a emprendedores a llevar grandes ideas de visión a escala. Nuestra misión es reinventar el sistema para apoyar a los emprendedores del futuro. Vemos un futuro donde los negocios crean equidad y prosperidad a largo plazo. Desde el 2009 hemos apoyado a más de 1,100 emprendedores de etapa temprana a través de nuestros programas de preparación para inversión.
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Startuplinks es plataforma web y comunidad que ayuda startups pre-seed y seed de LATAM a entender el Venture Capital y conectarse con inversionistas institucionales.